June 2024 in Austin.
Me in 20 Seconds ⏱️
Personal 🙏
- I am a dad to 2 little girls (2 & 4) 👶🏻 👶🏻
- I am originally from 🇨🇦 but now live in Austin, Texas 🤠
- Nothing makes me more sad than when trees are cut down for thoughtless, cookie cutter homes, killing nature, shades and polluting our air.
Biz 🔥
- I used to be a disaster chaser, rebuilding homes and communities after fires, floods, and hurricanes.
- I spent years consulting on air quality, identifying what makes people sick at home and providing solutions to fix it.
- Leveraging my experience in air quality and restoration, I created Jaspr, the world’s first commercial-grade air purifier that's powerful, quiet and beautiful.
I am committed to spending my life on educating people and creating solutions to improve the air that we breathe. I am currently all in on Jaspr.
Let's start from the beginning... 🍎
- Earned my black-belt in Taekwondo 🥋